Question - Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective assistant?
Help in decision making
Facilitating behavior change
Facilitate understanding of feelings
Solving problems for the individual
Answer: Solving problems for the individual
Question Which of the following are characteristics of a sensitive teacher?
Being hurt by critics and ratings
Be self conscious
Being able to monitor yourself and others at all times
To suit the needs and problems of the students
Answer: To suit the needs and problems of the students
Question - Teachers need to promote positivity in the classroom environment for students so that students can experience:
Safe and accepted
Protected and uncertain
Separate and viewable
Secluded and alert
Answer: Safe and Accepted
Question - The ability / competence to be able to see situations from another person's perspective is known as:
Know the point of view
Deal with liquor
Reality testing
Sympathetic behavior
Answer: Know the perspective
Question - A teacher can depict / show the quality of sensitivity:
Being aware of the feelings and thoughts of others
Taking the opinion of others
Expressing ideas and integrating others
Ability to work with others
Answer: Being aware of the feelings and thoughts of others
Question - Is there a corresponding feeling?
Feeling and thinking like someone else
Reason with yourself and others
Understanding yourself
Feel sorry for others
Answer: Feeling and thinking like someone else
Question - In case of drunkenness among a group of children, which tactic would you use as a teacher:
Will leave the matter to resolve on its own
Will inform the school principal about the case
Use your authority and the issue will decide
Will make it easier for children to communicate
Answer: Will make it easier for children to communicate
Question - The qualities and skills of teachers to promote health environment in schools / classrooms are as follows
Sensitivity and care
Sensitivity and apprehension
Sensitivity and control
Sympathy and care
Answer: sensitivity and care
Question - In order to have attentive listening skills, a teacher needs to pay attention to the following of students:
Non verbal
Behavior and actions
oral expression
Answer: All
Question - Teachers can communicate real concern and interest to students:
Eye contact
Always giving them their way
Questioning their actions
Giving them priority in activities
Answer: Eye contact
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