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Thursday, 10 December 2020

Nishtha MH_M1 Question Answers


1) Which one of the following statements is correct for the outline of the National Curriculum:


2) Ram is a student with visual impairment. Which of the following would be most useful for orientation and mobility training for him?

School building map

3) All these UDL principals are EXCEPT

Many tools of behavior management

4) two children with the same disability

Different interventions may be required by the teacher in the classroom

5) The Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act 2016) defines inclusive education as a system of education where the student is without options:

Learn together and the teaching and learning system is suitably optimized

6) NEP 2020 proposes to replace the existing design of school education with 10 + 2:

5 + 3 + 3 + 4

7) Which of the following statements is not valid for the course

It provides vision for education at various levels in India

8) The first and second national policies on education in India were formulated in the year:

1968 and 1986

9) Which of the following is not important for promoting inclusive education:

Socio-economic status of teacher

10) The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act was enacted and came into force in the year:

Enacted in the year 2009 and came into force from April 2010

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